The following is based in part on the original notes compiled by Brian Vincent, Coley, in August 1979 and taken from the leaflet ’Hinton Blewett: History of the church and village’
The present church dates from the 14th century but was built on the site of a more primitive Norman building. It is in many ways of unique interest and was probably built by the early members of the Bluet family.
The architecture is chiefly in the perpendicular style and much beauty and old-world charm is retained from the former ages at a simple level, the product of a small community such as it still continues to serve today.
The original dedication was to ‘All Hallows’ or ‘All Saints’ but in more recent years (about 1850) this changed to Saint Margaret’s, ‘Queen of Scotland’ at the whim of one of the Johnsons who was Rector Johnson, incumbent 1832 – 1866 in honour of his own Scots ancestry!
The green turf of the churchyard faces the back wall of the village inn with a cottage on each side of it and the whole grounds are flanked by the Manor on one side and the Old Rectory on the other.
Church Wardens are Mr G Sage and Mr R Drewett.
Mr G Sage can be reached by email or contact number 01761 452653. (details last confirmed for website 4/12/2023)
Specific contact details can be found in the Parish Magazine and on the church noticeboard.
Service times are published in the Parish News and also on the noticeboard outside the church. The grass is cut by a team of volunteers. If you are interested in joining the rota the church wardens would be pleased to hear from you.