
Agenda & Notice of Parish Council Meeting, 10th November 2022, 7:30pm

Parish Council Clerk: Philip Edwards | Tel: 07988 471568 | clerk@hintonblewettpc.co.uk


To Councillors: T Bowler, D Duckett (Chairman), C Elliott, D Elliott, D Huffadine (Vice Chairman), A Mills and J O’Nians.
You are summoned to attend a meeting of Hinton Blewett Parish Council to be held at Hinton Blewett Village Hall on Thursday 10th November 2022 at 7.30pm. The agenda for the meeting appears below.

Philip Edwards, Clerk, 4th November 2022


(15min) 7:30

Members of the public are requested to raise any matter during this session as the rest of the meeting is not open to public participation.
Members of the public and press may attend the meeting unless the Parish Council enters a confidential session. Members of the public may make representations, ask questions and give evidence on any matter of concern, for not more than three minutes, by addressing the Chairman.


(3min) 7:45

To note and decide on apologies for absence.


(3min) 7:48

To receive any declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests and consider any dispensation requests in accordance with the PC Code of Conduct.


(4min) 7:51

TO RESOLVE: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Thursday 8th September 2022 are confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.

2211_[5] REPORTS

(15min) 7:55

(a) Chairman’s Report

To receive a report from the Chairman

(b) Clerk’s Report

  • The defibrillator was used this month. The battery and pads have been replaced. The cabinet has been cleaned.
  • Email considerations – details emailed to council members
  • The playing field inspection has been booked with Wicksteed
  • A quotation from internal auditor has been emailed to councillors

(c) Members Reports

To receive any reports from council members on current responsibilities or attendance of outside bodies

  • Update on Jubilee mugs

(d) Ward Councillor’s Report

2211_[6] FINANCE

(10min) 8:10

(a) Payments and income – see appendix 2022-11 Finance Reports

  1. TO RESOLVE: to confirm 22-23 NJC pay agreement (Clerk employment contract from 04/22)
  2. TO RESOLVE: payments to approve listed in finance reports.
  3. To note: payments and Income
  4. To note: bank reconciliation statement
  5. To note: Spend against budget and earmarked reserves
  6. To review: 2023/24 budget planning


(10min) 8:20

TO RESOLVE: Application Reference22/04210/FUL
Application Address: Sedbrook Farm , Litton Lane, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AY
Proposal: Extension to Farmhouse, alteration to existing driveway

TO RESOLVE: Application Reference22/04026/FUL
Application Address: Land To South Of Widcombe Lodge, South Widcombe, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset,
Proposal: Erection of dwelling, covered parking, implement store and formation of vehicular access (Resubmission).

To note recent planning application updates

https://www.bathnes.gov.uk/webforms/planning/search.html#advancedSearch (select ‘Hinton Blewett’ under ‘PARISH’ )


(10min) 8:30

  • TO RESOLVE: To approve scheme of delegation: Delegated Powers re Planning
  • TO RESOLVE: To approve scheme of delegation: Delegation to Clerk for Exceptional Circumstances
  • TO RESOLVE: Adoption of updated standing orders based on recent NALC model
  • TO RESOLVE: Adoption of updated financial regulations based on recent NALC model

The new draft scheme of delegations documents listed in the appendix are to replace current scheme of delegation.


(4min) 8:40

To review: A member of the public has highlighted two factual errors to Cllr Huffadine on the Barbury sign and has suggested it should be amended.


(2min) 8:44

TO RESOLVE : Date of next meeting: Thursday 12th January 2023, 7.30pm at Hinton Blewett village hall.

Schedule of council meetings: https://hintonblewettpc.co.uk/diary-of-parish-council-meetings/

Appendix of links to documents and reports:

2022-11 Finance Reports

Finance reports and payment schedules for the Parish Council meeting.

  • Posted:

Barbury sign

Photos of Barbury Sign

  • Posted:

Financial Regulations (v2022)

Financial Regulations based on 2019 model version from NALC. Updated version optimised for web with review of authority to spend limits.

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting, 8th September 2022, 7:30pm

Minutes of the September 2022 Parish Council Meeting. For links to the appendix and supporting documents, see the table of contents and links to supplementary pages at the end of the minutes.

[RETIRED] Scheme of Delegation

Scheme of delegated responsibilities to the Clerk/RFO for planning applications and financial authority to spend for exceptional circumstances

Scheme of Delegation – Planning Applications

Scheme of delegated responsibilities to the Clerk/RFO for planning applications

Scheme of Delegation – Exceptional Circumstances

Scheme of delegated responsibilities to the Clerk/RFO for financial authority to spend for exceptional circumstances

Standing Orders (v2022)

Standing Orders based on model version from NALC

2022-11 Finance Reports

Finance reports and payment schedules for the Parish Council meeting.

Barbury sign

Photos of Barbury Sign

Financial Regulations (v2022)

Financial Regulations based on 2019 model version from NALC. Updated version optimised for web with review of authority to spend limits.

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting, 8th September 2022, 7:30pm

Minutes of the September 2022 Parish Council Meeting. For links to the appendix and supporting documents, see the table of contents and links to supplementary pages at the end of the minutes.

[RETIRED] Scheme of Delegation

Scheme of delegated responsibilities to the Clerk/RFO for planning applications and financial authority to spend for exceptional circumstances

Scheme of Delegation – Planning Applications

Scheme of delegated responsibilities to the Clerk/RFO for planning applications

Scheme of Delegation – Exceptional Circumstances

Scheme of delegated responsibilities to the Clerk/RFO for financial authority to spend for exceptional circumstances

Standing Orders (v2022)

Standing Orders based on model version from NALC

Appendix of correspondence:

To view appendices, please view this document on our website

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