Hinton Blewett Parish Council met on 12th May for both the annual parish meeting and the annual parish council meeting. The Parish Meeting is slightly different to a council meeting. It is a meeting for electors and provides an opportunity for parishioners to celebrate local activities and debate current issues in the community.
This year cheese and wine and refreshments were provided at the village hall. The meeting was well attended and topics raised included a presentation from the council Chairman David Duckett, who reported on communications with B&NES regarding Coley Hill, including the condition of the drains, mudslides and trees falling down. It was noted that B&NES discussed clearing the drains, inspecting drains with a camera and returning with a plan of action and having an expert check the trees. The Chairman reported on the communications with the local MP Jacob Rees-Mogg regarding the disconnection of the copper telephone network.
The costs of the playing field were discussed and formed part of the open forum discussion. Ideas regarding allowing some areas to grow without being cut were raised. It was noted that this may improve biodiversity, but may not necessarily effect the cost of maintenance.
The Parish Council meeting covered annual administrative tasks, including the election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman and approval of the end of year accounts. The jubilee bench was discussed taking into account views raised at the parish meeting.
Full details and a copy of the minutes for meetings can be found on the Parish Council website here: https://hintonblewettpc.co.uk/category/minutes/
- Posted: 25th May 2022