Table of Contents
Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07988 471568 |
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Councillors Present: C Elliott, D Duckett (Chairman), D Huffadine (Vice Chairman), J O’Nians and P Young
Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk), David Wood (BANES District Councillor)
There was no public participation contributed by members of the public.
2403_[2] Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr D Cox
2403_[3] Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.
2403_[4] Confirmation of Minutes
RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Thursday 11th January 2024 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.
2403_[5] Chairman’s Report
- The Chairman reported on the police Independent Advisory Group along with the crime statistics reported at the IAG meeting.
- Noted: Dumping of nitrous oxide canisters should now be reported to both BANES and the police.
- Repairs had been made to Prospect Style, one of the posts would require replacement.
- Noted: The new WESTlocal bus service would provide a commuter service with one journey in each direction per day (Mon-Fri) between Bishop Sutton, Chew Stoke and Chew Magna and Hengrove Park, Bristol Temple Meads, near Bristol Bus Station and the Centre. Locals would be able to book journeys in advance.
2403_[6] Clerk’s Report
- Noted: correspondence shared with council members listed in the appendix.
- The Chairman offered to attend the Bristol Airport meeting
2403_[7] Councillor Responsibilities and Meetings attended
- Noted: Cllr Young attended the Chew Valley Area Forum (see report in appendix) and reported on a working group regarding flooding in the Chew Valley area to review community communications and closed roads. Cllr Young offered to attend the working group.
- Cllr Young reported on the Chew Valley Nature Recovery Group and an upcoming Nature Fest on 30th June looking at habitats. The next meeting would be 25th June at Chew Magna community farm.
2403_[8] Highways
- Noted: Cllr Ducket and Cllr Elliot met with Dst Cllr Wood and BANES highways inspector to look at flooding areas and the condition of roads, drains and potoles including Coley Hill, and the hill from Prospect Style. It was reported that the potholes should be repaired in the next 30 days. The root causes of the problems, lane width, accumulation of mud and action to improve the highways were discussed including frequency of drain cleaning and hedge cutting, restoring the sides of the roads and identifying any lost drains.
- It was reported that a BANES member of staff had received abusive behaviour from a local motorist while attempting to repair a minor pothole. The Parish Council emphasised that any kind of abusive behaviour to council staff was unacceptable.
2403_[9] Ward Councillor’s Report
- A report was received from BANES District Cllr David Wood which included highways issues and identifying priority areas for attention.
- Dst Cllr Wood gave a report on factors to consider for the local plan options consultation.
- Noted: It may be beneficial for members of the council to have further conversation with BANES planning officers regarding specific needs of the rural community. Cllr O’Nians and Cllr Elliot offered to participate in further conversation with BANES.
2403_[10] FINANCE
(a) Payments and income – see appendix 2024-03 Finance Reports
- RESOLVED: payments to approve listed in finance report
- Noted: payments and Income listed in finance report
- RESOLVED: bank reconciliation checked by Cllr Huffadine
- RESOLVED: Approval of grass cutting quotation for the playing field, emailed to cllrs 5/3/24
- RESOLVED: Approval of grass cutting quotation for the Barbury, emailed to cllrs 5/3/24
- RESOLVED: An annual one point scale increment from April 2024 to SCP24 in accordance with the Clerk’s contract of employment.
RESOLVED: The Parish Council supports application reference: 24/00536/FUL
Application Address: 7 Upper Road, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AW
Proposal: Erection of a two storey rear extension and recladding of entire building, to follow demolition of existing single storey side extension.
The item of business ‘local plan options consultation’ was moved to the end of the Ward Councillor’s Report:
RESOLVED: The Parish Council response regarding the local plan options consultation included supporting community led management of rural growth. It was highlighted that sustainability of the village community could be reviewed with professional support and guidance in order to ensure that the right kinds of housing were built in the right locations to allow a balanced demographic to live in the village and ensure that new housing was affordable and accessible for all demographics. The Clerk was delegated with drafting and submitting a response in consultation by email with members of the council.
RESOLVED: The Clerk was delegated to submit a response for planning application reference: 24/00942/FUL, in consultation with members of the council.
- RESOLVED: Review and adoption of the following policies:
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- Social Media and Electronic Communication Policy
- RESOLVED: Regular Payments by standing order and direct debit were reviewed and approved
- RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: May 2024, 7.30pm at Hinton Blewett village hall.
- RESOLVED: Date of the annual parish meeting of electors: May 2024, 7.00pm at Hinton Blewett village hall.
Schedule of council meetings:
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:36
Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)
- Version: 2.1
- Status: Approved