
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting, 12th January 2023, 7:30pm

Parish Council Clerk: Philip Edwards | Tel: 07988 471568 | clerk@hintonblewettpc.co.uk


Councillors Present: T Bowler, D Duckett (Chairman), C Elliott, D Huffadine (Vice Chairman) and A Mills
Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk)


There were no members of the public present at the meeting


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs D Elliott and J O’Nians


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests


RESOLVED: The Extraordinary Parish Council meeting minutes of Thursday 8th December 2022 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.

2301_[5] REPORTS

(a) Chairman’s Report

The Chairman reported that he would be attending the Local Plan Planning Development workshop to represent the views of the parish and council. The council discussed the considerations to minimise the impact of possible future planning development in the parish, including building conversion and in-fill development along with maintaining the character of the village.

(b) Clerk’s Report

To receive a report from the Clerk

  • Noted: A map of boundary markers had been added to the footpaths page of the website. The council reviewed maintenance of the boundary markers and would like to encourage any willing volunteers to help keep the boundary markers clear of overgrowth.
  • Noted: A new mobile SIM card had been ordered from Lebara using vodafone network to replace ID mobile using EE network. The initial monthly fee will be half price for three months and then the long term monthly fee will be £4.95 (lower than the current £6 plan) and will include more allowances and will be paid automatically from the council credit card instead of by direct debit.
  • Noted: A leaflet regarding coronation mugs had been shared with councillors.
  • The council requested the Clerk to order a box of 36 coronation mugs before the next meeting in March. In the absence of a specified agenda item of business, this was approved by the Clerk in conjunction with Chairman.

(c) Members Reports

To receive any reports from council members on current responsibilities or attendance of outside bodies

  • Report from Cllr Bowler: The footpath coming up from Cameley had suffered a landslide. P Edwards had cut back brambles to allow walkers to bypass the landslide and has spoken to the owner about the situation. The B&NES public rights of way officer had been notified of the landslide.
    See: https://hintonblewettpc.co.uk/footpath-landslide-jan-2023/

(d) Ward Councillor’s Report

Apologies for absence were received from Dst Cllr Wood.

2301_[6] FINANCE

(a) Payments and income – see appendix 2023-01 Finance Reports

  1. RESOLVED: payments approved listed in the finance reports, with invoices checked and signed by Cllr Duckett
  2. Noted: payments and Income
  3. RESOLVED: bank reconciliation statement, checked and signed by Cllr Huffadine.


There were no outstanding consultation requests.

Noted: updates to previous consultation responses, including refusal of ref 22/04026/FUL: Land To South Of Widcombe Lodge, South Widcombe, Hinton Blewett

2301_[8] BUDGET AND PRECEPT 2023-24

The council reviewed the individual budget projections and the impact of inflation. Cost savings and quotations were reviewed for best value of service. Savings identified in the budget included taking advantage of reduced price offers on software subscriptions, reduced costs of ongoing services such as the mobile phone, website and IT support and eliminating extra subscription costs for accounting software. Costs of development of the new website and IT support savings had been achieved by taking advantage of the Clerk’s IT skills to develop and manage the website and IT requirements. The earmarked and general reserves were reviewed, and where possible, alternative fund raising options were considered, such as fundraising from grants and donations. Surplus reserves were identified to be used to reduce the impact of inflationary rises to the precept.

  • RESOLVED: Budget set at £12,656 for 2023-24
  • RESOLVED: Precept set at £10,776 for 2023-24
  • RESOLVED: Approval of grass cutting quotations for 2023-24 from C Light and Primrose Garden Maintenance


RESOLVED : Date of next meeting: Thursday 9th March 2023, 7.30pm at Hinton Blewett village hall.

The Clerk highlighted the upcoming Parish Council elections in May and the importance of encouraging interested members of the public to contact the Clerk about standing for election.

Noted: Schedule of council meetings: https://hintonblewettpc.co.uk/diary-of-parish-council-meetings/

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:28

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)