
Local Government Elections Briefing 2023

To note: These are summary notes taken from the BANES election briefing to parish council clerks, for full details, candidates may refer to the electoral commission website or BANES election services.

On Thursday 4 May there are elections in the following areas:

  • Bath & North East Somerset Council (x 33 wards)
  • Town Councils (x 3)
  • Parish Councils (x 45)

Will Godfrey – Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer
Aurora Loi Electoral Services Manager


See: https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/sites/default/files/2022-12/LGE%20election%20timetable%204%20May%202023.pdf

  • Notice of election 20/03/2023 (clerk to publish on notice board and online)
  • Nominations start 21/03/2023
  • Nominations deadline 04/04/2023 (4pm)
  • Statement of persons nominated 05/04/2023 (clerk to publish on notice board and online)
  • Notice of results (uncontested elections) 05/04/2023 (clerk to publish on notice board and online)
  • Notice of poll 25/04/2023 (clerk to publish on notice board and online)
  • Situation of polling stations 25/04/2023 (clerk to publish on notice board and online)
  • Polling day 04/05/2023
  • Verification of ballot boxes 04/05/2023 (from 10:15pm) STV, University of Bath
  • Count 05/05/2023 (from 2pm) STV, University of Bath
  • Notice of results (contested elections) 05/05/2023 (clerk to publish on notice board and online)
  • Candidate’s election expenses return 01/06/2023 submitted by all candidates (including uncontested elections)

Submitting nomination papers
From Tuesday 21 March to Tuesday 4 April, 9am to 4pm

Guidance and Nomination forms can be found on the electoral commission website:

All candidates must submit these documents by 4pm on Tuesday 4 April:

  • nomination form (1a)
  • home address form (1b)
  • consent to nomination (1c, all 5 pages)

By law the above documents must be delivered by hand to the Returning Officer at the Guildhall, Bath, during the days and times for delivery of nomination papers. They cannot be submitted by post, fax, email or other electronic means. (Aurora Loi requested – do not leave with front desk in the Guildhall, give them in person to the elections office so that they can check forms while you are visiting)

Party candidates must also submit these documents by 4pm on Tuesday 4 April:

  • certificate authorising the use of a party name/registered description on the ballot paper (2)
  • request to use one of the party’s emblems on the ballot paper (optional) (3)

Nomination Form – electoral number

  • Candidates must provide the electoral number of the proposer and seconder, which can be found on the electoral register.
  • The electoral number is the combination of the polling district code for the parish (each parish has its own code) and the elector number.
  • On the picture below, the polling district code for Bathampton Parish Council electoral register is highlighted in yellow and the elector number in green.

Access to the electoral register

  • The register to be used for the nominations is the version which is in force on 1 March 2023
  • Candidates may request a copy of the register to the Electoral Registration Officer
  • Parish Clerks will receive a copy of the register via the secure B&NES Council portal (GlobalScape), where all election notices will also be available to download

Any Questions?

For any queries on the parish elections and voter ID please contact:
Aurora Loi (Electoral Services Manager)
E: aurora_loi@bathnes.gov.uk
T: 01225 477431

Presentation slides from BANES:


  • Created: 7/2/2023