
Chew Valley Neighbourhood Plan

Bath and North East Somerset Council formally designated the Chew Valley area as a Neighbourhood Area, after an application was made by the Parishes of Chew Magna, Chew Stoke, Compton Martin, East Harptree, Hinton Blewett, Ubley and West Harptree.  These 7 Parishes expressed an interest in preparing a joint Chew Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan, so in accordance with the regulations of the Localism Act 2011 they submitted a Neighbourhood Area Designation Application.

The task of creating the joint Chew Valley Neighbourhood Plan formally started with the formation of a steering group of representatives from all 7 parishes.  In addition the ward councillors for the parishes were on the steering group as well as representatives from other useful organisations.

Below is a précis of the work undertaken previously:

16th February 2017:
• Parishes referendum – more details here and here

Autumn 2016:
• Planning Inspector’s examination

Spring 2016:
• Submission of Neighbourhood Plan to B&NES

Winter 2016:
• Six week consultation with parishes before submission of Neighbourhood Plan

Summer 2015:
• Sub Groups Policy Options presented at drop-in consultation sessions and leafleting of every household, plus media publicity
•  Click to view the CVNP Options Consultation document
•  Initial ideas formed into draft policies

June 2015:
•  Sought further funding for advisory services

April 2015:
• Successful grant funding for professional advice to assist Sub Groups in developing evidence base and policy options

March 2015:
• Young peoples’ Chew Valley school survey

December 2014:
• Sub Groups formed to draft ideas for policies cover housing, environment, business, facilities & recreation and transport

November 2014:
• Household survey mailed to all households in the participating parishes

Summer 2014:
• Drop-in events held in each parish with questionnaire
•  Successful grant funding for household survey research

Spring 2014:
•  CVNP Constitution and mission statement agreed
•  Public consultation events held at Chew Magna

March 2014:
•  Chew Valley Neighbourhood Area designated by B&NES for the parishes of Chew Magna, Chew Stoke, Compton Martin, East Harptree, Hinton Blewett, Ubley and West Harptree.
•  Steering Group formed including ward councillors, parish councillors (2 per parish), parishioners and local businesses from the seven participating parishes.

  • Posted: 5th August 2015