Table of Contents
Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07988 471568 |
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Councillors Present: C Elliott, D Cox, D Duckett (Chairman), D Huffadine (Vice Chairman) and P Young
Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk) and one member of the public
There was no public participation contributed by members of the public.
2501_[2] Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence
2501_[3] Declaration of Interest
Cllr C Elliott declared a disclosable personal interest for planning application ref 24/04622/FUL
2501_[4] Confirmation of Minutes
RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Thursday 21st November 2024 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.
REPORTS – To note and receive any reports:
2501_[5] Chairman’s Report
- A report was received from the Chairman which included:
- Coley Hill – Cllr Duckett reported that the condition of Coley Hill was getting worse and that he had arranged an appointment to meet Dst Cllr Wood to raise the needs for tree pruning, bank stabilisation and satisfactory drainage along with the need for resurfacing
- Bristol Airport – Cllr Duckett attended the airport meeting and raised the issues of nuisance parking and also raised the idea of a arrivals and departures board in the free drop off and collection car park
- Cllr Duckett attended the police advisory board and gave a report including crime issues and statistics to the Parish Council. Members of the public were encouraged to continue to report crimes online so that police resources would be directed to the relevant areas.
Cllr D Cox left at 8.15pm after item 2501_[5]
2501_[6] Clerk’s Report
- A report was received from the Clerk
- The council approved the suggestion of a three year lease for the playing field to avoid high legal fees required for a longer lease. The Clerk reported that a longer lease could become more appropriate in the future if the council were to invest significant sums towards new equipment.
- Noted: correspondence shared with council members listed in the appendix.
2501_[7] Meetings attended and Members Reports
- Noted: See Chairman’s report for meetings attended
- Reviewed for emergency planning: Cllr Elliott reported on emergency contact methods for emergency notifications and the pros and cons for different methods. The council reviewed the different ways that could be used to contact the public in an emergency. It was noted that most methods required electronic equipment with suitable network connections that may fail when actually needed.
2501_[8] Ward Councillor’s Report
There was no report received from BANES District Cllr David Wood
2501_[9] FINANCE
(a) Payments and income – see appendix 2025-01 Finance Reports
- RESOLVED: payments to approve listed in finance report
- Noted: payments and Income listed in finance report
- Noted: bank reconciliation
- RESOLVED: The budget for 2025/26 was set with an expenditure of £13,349
- RESOLVED: The Precept required for 2025/26 was set at £12,071
This item of business 2501_[11] was addressed after item 2501_[4] and before item 2501_[5]
RESOLVED: Application Reference: 24/04622/FUL
Application Address: Waytonbury, Litton Lane, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AY
Proposal: Change of Use of Holiday Let to Residential Use (C3).
Noted: Cllr C Elliott did not discuss or vote on this resolution due to a declaration of interest
Resolution: The Parish Council SUPPORTS this application
RESOLVED: Application Reference: 24/04156/EFUL
Application Address: Parcel 15628, Stowey Road, Stowey, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset,
Proposal: Construction, operation and decommission of a 49.9MW capacity solar farm on land south of Stowey Road, consisting of ground mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays and associated development including transformers and switchgear, electrical substations, substation compound, a telecommunications mast, cabling, utilities, access tracks, perimeter fencing, landscaping and areas for biodiversity net gain (BNG) enhancement.
Noted: The issues of wildlife conservation and accident hot spot on the Stowey Road bends were discussed. Cllr Ducket offered to find out further details about the mast.
Resolution: The Parish Council DOES NOT OBJECT to this application subject to conditions relating to no traffic though Hinton Blewett, resolution of the Stowey Road flooding and early completion of hedge and tree planting. (See correspondence response for full details on conditions of this resolution)
Noted: ongoing review of any possible locations for building
Noted: The previous neighbourhood plan has been uploaded to the website:
Noted: recent updates, see ‘Hinton Blewett’ under ‘PARISH’ on BANES website:
- Noted: Requests for business to be considered at the next meeting included requesting a dog litter bin with a review of possible location and evidence for need and also the issue of speeding of delivery vans.
- RESOLVED: Date of next meeting: Thursday 27th March 2025, 7.30pm at Hinton Blewett village hall.
Schedule of council meetings:
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:50
Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)
- Status: DRAFT