
[DRAFT] Minutes of Parish Council Meeting, 21st November 2024 7:30pm

Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07988 471568 | clerk@hintonblewettpc.co.uk
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Councillors Present: C Elliott, D Duckett (Chairman), D Huffadine (Vice Chairman), J O’Nians and P Young

Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk)


There was no public participation contributed by members of the public.


2411_[2] Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr D Cox

2411_[3] Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.

2411_[4] Confirmation of Minutes

RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Thursday 12th September 2024 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.

REPORTS – To note and receive any reports:

2411_[5] Chairman’s Report

  • A report was received from the Chairman covering:
    • Solar Farm development: The Chairman has suggested that communication with the developers regarding community projects should wait until the project is ready to proceed
    • Community Resilience – The Chairman reported on the draft emergency plan
    • Back Lane – a drain had been fixed and was allowing water to disperse
    • Stowey Quarry: Littering was reported to BANES and quickly resolved
    • Roads: There had been no further progress and Coley Hill was especially difficult

2411_[6] Clerk’s Report

  • RESOLVED: Confirmation of 2024-25 local government pay scales recently agreed with NJC as specified by staff employment contract with effect from 1 April 2024
  • The Clerk had checked the internal electrical switches for the defibrillator, and reported that they were all switched on. Cllr Elliot offered to ask an electrician about checking the power supply to the heater in the cabinet.
  • Noted: correspondence shared with council members
    • Noted: Age UK digital inclusion correspondence

2411_[7] Meetings attended and Members Reports

  • Noted: there were no reports on councillor responsibilities and meetings attended

2411_[8] Playing field

  • The Renewal of lease would be £1 per annum, but would require legal fees to renew the lease which would need to be covered by the parish council, expected to be about £1200 +VAT
  • A lease over 7 years requires registration with land registry
  • RESOLVED: The council requested the Clerk to enquire whether using a edited version of the old lease for a six year period would be acceptable for the renewal of the lease

2411_[9] Ward Councillor’s Report

  • There was no report from BANES District Cllr David Wood

2411_[10] FINANCE

(a) Payments and income – see appendix 2024-11 Finance Reports

  1. RESOLVED: payments to approve listed in finance report
  2. Noted: payments and Income, bank reconciliation and year to date spend in finance report
  3. Noted: budget considerations for 2025-26


  • The council reviewed the draft emergency plan and asked the Chairman to continue developing the plan
  • The council discussed setting up a community WhatsApp group for emergency messages. Cllr Elliot offered to action this.


  • There were no outstanding consultation requests
  • The Clerk attended the BANES briefing on the new local plan and reported on the implications of the latest government changes to planning policies
  • The council proposed having a future agenda item to review the previous neighbourhood plan in relation to possible development locations

Noted: recent updates, see ‘Hinton Blewett’ under ‘PARISH’ on BANES website:


  • TO RESOLVE : Date of next meeting: Thursday 16th January 2025, 7.30pm at Hinton Blewett village hall.

Schedule of council meetings: https://hintonblewettpc.co.uk/diary-of-parish-council-meetings/

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:30

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)