Table of Contents
Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07988 471568 |
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Councillors Present: C Elliott, D Cox, D Huffadine (Chairman of the meeting), J O’Nians and P Young
Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk), David Wood (BANES District Councillor)
There was no public participation contributed by members of the public.
2309_[2] Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from D Duckett
2309_[3] Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.
2309_[4] Confirmation of Minutes
RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Thursday 13th July 2023 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.
Items 2307_[10], 2307_[9], 2307_[8] were considered at this point in the meeting
2309_[5] Chairman’s Report
- A report was received from the Cllr Duckett, Parish Council Chairman
- The Chairman had attended the police Independent Advisory Group where a brief was received on the county lines effect on communities. The Chairman would report further at the next meeting.
- Following reports of crime in the village, the Chairman liaised with the police. The police had advised that for Hinton Blewett reports indicate a low crime rate, with one crime reported and one incident of antisocial behaviour reported. The police had advised that the public need to report incidents directly to the police for the police to be aware of local crime. Cllr Huffadine will give details of how to report to the police via the newsletter. It was highlighted that any reports of incidents made on facebook would not be picked up by the police.
- The Chairman attended a meeting with the police commissioner, where a brief was received highlighting that 51% of crime is committed online. The Chairman would report further at the next meeting.
2309_[6] Clerk’s Report
- Noted: The Clerk attended the AONB training and presentation on planning applications in the AONB
- Noted: correspondence shared with council members (see appendix)
- Noted: BANES highways had been contacted on behalf of a resident concerning clear up required after Coley Hill works
- Pension notifications for The Pension Regulator had been renewed as required.
- The Chairman had requested and agreed with the Clerk to proceed with arranging painting the bench with wood treatment based on the £125 quotation reviewed in the previous council meeting. This included the parish council purchasing and providing basic materials and wood treatment. This work had now been completed.
2309_[7] Councillor Responsibilities and Meetings attended
- Noted: Cllr Young had attended the Planning Forum with BANES to represent the views of the local community with regard to BANES planning policy. The forum covered a range of issues, including rural communities that could be connected as hubs. It was noted that Hinton Blewett is fairly isolated due to transport infrastructure which effects connections to other rural communities. The forum included sharing results from a previous consultation and providing an opportunity for feedback and identifying any gaps in the consultation.
- Noted: Cllr Huffadine has produced the next newsletter for the Clerk to print and had started distribution to residents. Cllr Elliot offered to complete the distribution.
- Noted: Action taken regarding the annual play inspection report
- Cllr Ducket had removed the park bench as it was no longer safe.
The Parish Council discussed a suggestion to replace the bench with a picnic bench. - Cllr Ducket had checked the park goal posts and it was considered that they need no remedial action
- Cllr Ducket had offered to arrange repairs to the entrance gate
- Cllr Ducket had removed the park bench as it was no longer safe.
- RESOLVED: The Clerk would check with the play inspector for clarification regarding the Swing Basket marked as medium risk with no explanation in the annual play inspection report. All other items were considered as requiring no further action other than periodic inspection.
2309_[8] Ward Councillor’s Report
- A report was received from BANES District Cllr David Wood.
- The floods reported on the road to Stowey as you leave Hinton Blewett had been reviewed and a deep clean of the culvert would had been planned.
- Action was being reviewed regarding fly tipping at Stowey Quarry
- Phase 1 of the Coley Hill road works, replacing drain and repair of collapsed culvert on the lower part of the hill, had been completed. The next phase would include repairs of the drainage higher up the hill. Once this was complete Cllr Wood would push for repairs to the road surface. The issues of landslides were awaiting the outcome of BANES Council consideration.
- Cllr Wood had been enquiring about the proposed development on Elm Grove Farm. The Parish Council confirmed their objection that had previously been submitted in May 2023 regarding this application.
- The recycling truck that had previously deposited debris while driving had been checked and there were no issues identified with the truck. It was considered that the debris may have been caused by high winds and residents were asked to report this issue if if occurs again for further investigation.
2309_[9] FINANCE
(a) Payments and income – see appendix 2023-09 Finance Reports
- RESOLVED: payments to approve listed in finance report
- The council requested that a plaque for the jubilee bench be reviewed at the next meeting
- Noted: payments and Income listed in finance report
- Noted: bank reconciliation
- Noted: Year to date spend against budget
RESOLVED: Application Reference: 23/03255/TCA – The Parish Council SUPPORTS this application
Application Address: The Old Rectory , Upper Road, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AN
Proposal: T1-Ash, dismantle and remove to the height of the boundary wall. Evidence of Ash die back. (See planning portal for full proposal)
RESOLVED: Application Reference: 23/03160/CLPU – No comment is required from the Parish Council
Application Address: 15 Lower Road, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AX
Proposal: Erection of side and rear extensions (Certificate of Lawfulness for a Proposed Development).
To Note: The council has not received an official consultation request for this application.
Delegated responses to report:
Application Reference: 23/02984/REM
Application Address: Homefield, Whitehouse Lane, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BA3 4PS
Proposal: Removal of condition 2 of application 12/03887/FUL
The Parish Council SUPPORTS this application. (with comments)
Application reference: 23/02769/ADCOU
Application Address: Glanville Farm , Lower Road, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AT
Proposal: Prior approval request for change of use of agricultural building to 3 no. dwellings (Use Class C3)
The Parish Council DOES NOT OBJECT to this planning application. (with comments)
The Parish Council reviewed the process for the scheme of delegation to the Clerk regarding planning applications. It was agreed that individual member comments should not normally be included in a delegated response unless there had been an opportunity for further email consultation on any proposed comments to be submitted.
TO RESOLVE : Date of next meeting: Thursday 9th November 2023, 7.30pm at Hinton Blewett village hall.
Schedule of council meetings:
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:54
Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)
- Version: 1.1
- Status: Approved