
2023-09 Finance Reports

Payments Schedules to Approve:

PCM Payments to approve          
Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
31/08/2023 Primrose Barbury mowing 166.00 33.20 199.20  
31/08/2023 Chris Light P Field Mow May 170.00   170.00  
11/09/2023 ME Bench maintenance 125.00   125.00  
11/09/2023 P Edwards Footpath Maintenance 60.00   60.00  
11/09/2023 Staff Mileage Expenses 24.30   24.30  
    SUBTOTAL       578.50

Signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________

Payments to note

July 2023 Regular payments          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details        
25/07/2023   Staff Home Working Allowance 26.00   26.00  
25/07/2023   Staff Salary 326.06   326.06  
25/07/2023   HMRC Quarterly PAYE direct debit 244.40   244.40  
      SUBTOTAL       596.46
July 2023 Credit card payments to note          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
10/07/2023 14/06/2023 Lebara mobile Mobile Phone Contract 4.13 0.83 4.95  
10/07/2023 26/06/2023 Lloyds Bank Monthly Fee 3.00   3.00  
      SUBTOTAL       7.95
Aug-23 Credit card payments to note          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details Net Vat Gross  
09/08/2023 14/07/2023 Lebara mobile Mobile Phone Contract 4.13 0.83 4.95  
09/06/2023 26/07/2023 Lloyds Bank Monthly Fee 3.00   3.00  
      SUBTOTAL       7.95
Aug-23 Clerk/Chairman approved payments          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details        
21/08/2023 03/08/2023 Playsafety Playground inspection 75.00 15.00 90.00  
21/08/2023 31/07/2023 Primrose Barbury mowing  166.00 33.20 199.20  
21/08/2023 31/07/2023 Chris Light P Field Mow June 255.00   255.00  
      SUBTOTAL       544.20
Aug 2023 Regular payments          
Bank Date Inv Date To Details        
25/08/2023   Staff Home Working Allowance 26.00   26.00  
25/08/2023   Staff Salary 325.94   325.94  
      SUBTOTAL       351.94

Receipts to note

No receipts to report since the last meeting

Budget vs Spend

Bank Reconciliation

Reconciliation of balances 31st Aug 2023  
Balance per bank statements    
Current Account Unity 1,907.09  
Reserve Account Unity 9,589.75  
SUBTOTAL bank statements   11,496.84
Less unpresented payments 0.00 0.00
Unbanked cash   0.00
NET BALANCES   11,496.84
The net balances reconcile to the Cash Book (receipts and payments account) as follows:    
Opening Balance at 1 April 2023   10,077.35
Add: Receipts in the year   6,775.00
Less: Payments in the year    -5355.51
CLOSING BALANCE per Cash Book    11,496.84

  • Posted: 6th September 2023
  • Version: 1.2