
Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting, 18th May 2023, 7:30pm

Table of Contents

Clerk: Philip Edwards (CiLCA) | Tel: 07988 471568 | clerk@hintonblewettpc.co.uk
Subscribe for updates: https://hintonblewettpc.co.uk/mailing-list/

Councillors Present: C Elliott, D Cox, D Duckett (Chairman), D Huffadine, J O’Nians and P Young
Also Present: Philip Edwards (Clerk)


2305_[1] Election of Chairman

  • RESOLVED: Cllr David Duckett was elected as Chairman for the municipal year
  • The Chairman signed the declaration of acceptance of office

2305_[2] Election of Vice Chairman

  • RESOLVED: Cllr David Huffadine was elected as Vice Chairman for the municipal year
  • The Vice Chairman signed the declaration of acceptance of office

2305_[3] Parish Council Membership

  • The declarations of acceptance of office were received from members present at the meeting
  • RESOLVED: The council approved a request to extend the deadline to receive the declaration of acceptance of office from Cllr David Elliot by the date of the next parish council meeting

2305_[4] Public Participation Session

There were no members of the public present at the meeting.

2305_[5] Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr David Elliot.

2305_[6] Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.

2305_[7] Confirmation of Minutes

RESOLVED: The Parish Council meeting minutes of Thursday 13th April 2023 were confirmed as an accurate record and signed by Chairman.


(see appendix financial statements 2022-2023)

2305_[8] Annual Internal Auditors Report

  • RESOLVED: the parish council received and noted the 22/23 internal auditor’s report

2305_[9] Exemption Certificate

  • RESOLVED: That the Parish Council, having met all the exemption criteria for 2022/23 agreed to declare itself exempt from an external audit.
  • The certificate was signed by the Chairman and Clerk

2305_[10] Annual Governance Statements

  • RESOLVED: Approved by the council: The Annual Governance Statements 2022/23 prepared by the Clerk
  • Annual Governance Statements were signed by the Chairman of the meeting and the Clerk

2305_[11] Accounting Statements

  • Noted: Review of the Council’s expenditure incurred under s.137 of the Local Government Act 1972 or the general power of competence: There was no s.137 expenditure for 2022/23, all expenditure was under the GPC
  • RESOLVED: Approved by the council: The accounting statements 2022/23 prepared and signed by the RFO
  • Accounting Statements were signed by the Chairman of the meeting.

2305_[12] Dates for the Exercise of Public Rights

  • RESOLVED: the dates of the period for the exercise of public rights: commencing on Monday 5 June and ending on Friday 14 July 2023

2305_[13] Conflicts of Interest with BDO LLP

  • RESOLVED: that there were no conflicts of interest with the external auditor BDO LLP.
  • The BDO form was signed by the Clerk and Chairman of the meeting.


2305_[14] General Power of Competence

  • Noted: The number of members of the council that had been declared elected was equal or greater that 2/3 of the total number of members of the council. (7 elected out of 7 for HBPC). The Clerk holds the Certificate in Local Council Administration which includes the relevant training in the exercise of the general power.
  • RESOLVED: The Parish Council resolved to adopt the general power of competence having met the conditions of eligibility as defined in the Localism Act 2011 and SI 965, The Parish Councils (General Power of Competence)(Prescribed Conditions) Order 2012. (See appendix)

2305_[15] Standing Orders and Financial Regulations

  • RESOLVED: Review and approval of the Standing Orders and the Financial Regulations
  • RESOLVED: Review and approval of the Schemes of Delegation
  • RESOLVED: Review and approval of the terms of reference for committees

2305_[16] Assets and Insurance

  • RESOLVED: Review and approval of the Asset Register
  • RESOLVED: Review and approval of the insurance cover and arrangements

2305_[17] Policies specified for review in Standing Orders

  • RESOLVED: Review and approval of the Council’s policies, procedures and practices in respect of its obligations under freedom of information and data protection legislation and review of the Council’s policy for dealing with the press/media
  • RESOLVED: To adopt the Press/Media Policy, Publication Scheme, Retention Policy
  • RESOLVED: Review and approval of the Council’s employment policies and procedures
  • RESOLVED: To adopt the Staff Data Protection Policy

2305_[18] Subscriptions

  • RESOLVED: Continued subscription to ALCA

2305_[19] FINANCE

(a) Payments and income – see appendix 2023-05 Finance Reports

  1. RESOLVED: payments to approve listed in finance report
  2. Noted: payments and Income listed in finance report
  3. Noted: bank reconciliation

(b) Bank Mandates

  1. RESOLVED: approval to add new members to the Unity Bank Mandate along with the removal of all prior members from the Bank Mandate.


2305_[20] Chairman’s Report

  • The Chairman welcomed new members
  • The Chairman thanked the Bath Rambler volunteers for fixing the post and fence at prospect style. The council recommended a donation of £50 to the Bath Ramblers, which was agreed by the Chairman and Clerk.
  • The Chairman reported that following extensive promotion of the big lunch through leaflets and facebook, 85 people turned up to the event. Residents reported that the playing field was a safer location that was far more relaxed than the Barbury due to there being no traffic. Requests were received to do more events of a similar nature. It was noted that the portable toilets were popular and would be worth providing at future events.

2305_[21] Clerk’s Report

  • Noted: correspondence listed in the appendix
  • Noted: Bristol Airport ASAS Survey request, emailed 10-5-2023
  • RESOLVED: The artwork for the Barbury sign was approved subject to further minor modifications to be completed by the Clerk.

2305_[22] Appointments and Councillor Reports

  • RESOLVED: Review and approval of appointments to outside bodies and members responsibilities

2305_[23] Ward Councillor’s Report

  • There was no report from the BANES District Cllr, who sent his apologies for absence


(a) RESOLVED: Application Reference23/01328/FUL – The Parish Council supports this application. The Clerk was requested to enquire why a decision had been issued without waiting for the agreed date for a consultation response from the Parish Council.
Application Address: Perrymead , South Widcombe, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS40 6BL
Proposal: Erection of new double garage on the existing driveway with an increase in the driveway area. (Retrospective)

(b) RESOLVED: Application Reference23/00737/FUL – The Parish Council supports this application.
Application Address: Greenacre Farm, Litton Lane, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AY
Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow. Erection of new bungalow following footprint of 21/001565/FUL consent.

(c) RESOLVED: Application Reference23/01512/FUL – The Parish Council supports this application
Application Address: Prospect Style Farm, Widcombe Hill, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset, BS39 5AS
Proposal: Erection of a detached single storey car port and storage shed to the rear of the house.

(d) RESOLVED: (REVISED INFORMATION) Application Reference22/04109/FUL – The Parish Council objects to this application as it is outside the housing development boundary and does not meet the conditions of the National Planning Policy Framework.
Application Address: Elm Grove Farm, Lower Road, Hinton Blewett, Bristol, Bath And North East Somerset,
Proposal: Conversion and extension of barn to create 1no. dwelling and replacement of all remaining buildings with 4no. dwellings together with associated hard/soft landscape works; drainage and access improvements.

Noted: An appeal had been submitted regarding Application Reference22/04026/FUL, Application Address: Land To South Of Widcombe Lodge, South Widcombe. The original response from the parish council would be reviewed in the appeal.


RESOLVED : Date of next meeting: Thursday 13th July 2023, 7.30pm at Hinton Blewett village hall.

Schedule of council meetings: https://hintonblewettpc.co.uk/diary-of-parish-council-meetings/

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:53

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)