
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting, 14th July 2022, 7:30pm

Parish Council Clerk: Philip Edwards | Tel: 07988 471568 | clerk@hintonblewettpc.co.uk


Present: – Councillors T Bowler, D Duckett (Chairman) and D Huffadine (Vice Chairman)
Also present: Clerk: Philip Edwards


There were no members of the public present


Apologies for absence were received from C Elliott, D Elliott, A Mills and J O’Nians


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary or personal interests.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting which took place on Thursday 12th May 2022 were approved as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.

22.07_5. REPORTS

(a) Chairman’s Report

  • Coley Hill drain survey has been completed. Results of the survey have been given to B&NES to consider further action.
  • The Chairman attended the Parish Liaison meeting with the Clerk in Keynsham, and met officers and leaders from Highways, Waste and Planning. Waste reported that 31% of black bin waste is food that could be recycled. Ideas to improve food recycling were requested from B&NES and were discussed by the council.
  • The Chairman thanked all the residents and members of the community who helped and supported all aspects of the Queen’s jubilee celebration. Thanks were given to the Village Hall Committee for their events and to Cllr D Elliott and Graham Sage and Robert Drewett for arrangements with the Beacon lighting.
  • The Chairman noted that there was overall support from members of the public for continued use and maintenance of the playing field.
  • The council discussed ideas for a bus shelter on the Barbury, and noted the difficulty in choosing a suitable site. The council concluded this should be open to review in 12 months.

(b) Clerk’s Report

  • A Chew Valley Area Forum survey on sustainable transport has been completed in consultation with Cllr Huffadine.
  • The external auditor has logged a notification of exempt status.
  • Footpath maintenance proceeded during May and June, with completion of most areas identified as needing attention in the footpath survey. Ongoing maintenance and inspection is recommend throughout the year.
  • BANES have confirmed the footpath grant is intended to cover costs towards growth that comes up from the ground. BANES would also welcome any trimming of sideways growth by the parish council.
  • A Makita electric hedge trimmer was purchased for £134.98 +VAT in agreement with the Chairman to enable footpath maintenance. Temple Cloud with Cameley Parish Council have agreed occasional sharing of equipment.
  • An online and paper form have been created for residents to register their interest for a jubilee mug for children in the village.
  • Details about scam emails circulating and a fraud prevention webinar had been shared with council members.

(c) Members Reports

  • Cllr Bowler reported on wildlife interests and a mapping app highlighted by a member of the public. Cllr Bowler will liaise with a member of the public to discuss a list of wildlife options.
  • Cllr C Elliot submitted an email report on details of jubilee mugs.
  • Cllr Huffadine reported that details of planning considerations for solar panels had been published on the parish council website.
  • Cllr Huffadine reported that the parish council newsletter had been produced and distributed by hand to all residents. The Chairman expressed thanks to Cllr Hufffadine for work on the newsletter.

(d) Ward Councillors Report

  • Ward Councillor David Wood sent his apologies for abscence.

22.07_6. FINANCE

See appendix: 2022-07 PCM: Finance Reports

  1. RESOLVED: payments to approve listed on ‘2022-07 PCM: Finance Reports’ (see appendix)
  2. Noted: payments and Income
  3. RESOLVED: bank reconciliation 30th June 2022
  4. Noted: year to date spend against budget 30th June 2022
  5. RESOLVED: Spend of CIL reserves for the hedgetrimmer (£134.98 + £9.90) and Barbury bench refurbishment (£94).


Updates from previous planning applications were noted and discussed.


  • See appendix: https://hintonblewettpc.co.uk/documents/circular-jubilee-bench-options/
  • Cllr A Mills submitted an email report on options for the jubilee bench.
  • RESOLVED: Approval to order a circular tree bench per quote SFQ-54928 for £1610 from Sustainable-furniture.co.uk
  • RESOLVED: Payment approval for a circular tree bench by credit card or bank transfer
  • RESOLVED: To approve spend of CIL reserves to cover the purchase of the jubilee bench


It was noted that the notice board requires reglazing due to clouded visibility. The wooden frame is perishing in places and surrounded with ivy. Water drips through the top of the frame onto notices. The internal panel will need replacing, a magnetic surface for notices is preferred. The council requested the clerk to source quotes for different options for a similar sized notice board.


RESOLVED : Date of Next Parish Council meeting: Thurs 8th September 2022, 7.30pm at Hinton Blewett village hall.

Schedule of council meetings: https://hintonblewettpc.co.uk/diary-of-parish-council-meetings/

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 21:12

Agreed as a correct record,
signed by the Chairman of the meeting: _______________________ on:_______________
(Chairman initial all other pages)