
Conservation Area

Part of Hinton Blewett village is in a Conservation Area.

The special character of an area depends on buildings which individually may not necessarily be worthy of listed building protection but which form an essential part of a fine overall environment.  If a valuable part of our heritage and living environment is not to be lost, there is a need to provide a ‘blanket’ protection for such an area.

Conservation Areas are used in parts of towns, villages and associated open spaces to provide special status and protection. Within these areas certain types of development not normally requiring planning permission need consent along with works of demolition.

Local authorities have a duty to pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of a Conservation Area when determining applications for planning permission within it.

Conservation Area Consent (for demolitions) and Planning Permission (for development) work hand in hand to ensure that proposals conserve and enhance the particular interest of each conservation area.

Trees also have a special status in Conservation Areas.  The designation of a conservation area also allows planning authorities to protect trees that are more than 3 inches in diameter, and so designation has been used to protect the landscape.

  • Posted: 7th March 2015